Ellovate's Pathways to Wellness program takes an individualized approach to overall, balanced wellness. Each individual interested in participating in the Pathways to Wellness program should first complete the participant intake form here. If under the age of 18, then a parent or legal guardian should complete this form.
The Pathways to Wellness program is initially intended for children, teenagers and young adults in both Utah County and Salt Lake County in the state of Utah. Ellovate works with parents and guardians to help guide their children on a pathway to wellness that best suits their individual needs. Our organization is also capable of providing financial assistance for individuals and families in need.

The Pathways to Wellness Program Includes:
Therapy & Counseling Coverage – Ellovate will cover the cost of three professional counseling/therapy sessions for single parents (divorced or separated) and grade school children and teenagers who are residents of the state of Utah. This program is intended to help breakdown the financial barrier of initiating professional counseling/therapy for individuals in need of this treatment. For families and individuals in need of additional financial support, Ellovate will work on a case-by-case basis to determine if additional counseling/therapy sessions need be paid by Ellovate using donated funds. Ellovate has partnered with a network of professional counselors and therapists in Utah County and Salt Lake County in the state of Utah to provide these services. This program is expected to launch in May of 2022. An application process and approval from Ellovate will be required.
Fitness & Beyond – Ellovate has also partnered with other activity and service providers associated with the promotion of overall wellness in Utah County and Salt Lake County in the state of Utah. These activities and services include meditation, yoga, aerobics, nutritionists, financial planners, life coaches, etc. Ellovate will cover the cost of one initial session with any of these instructors or providers for single parents and grade school children and teenagers who are residents of the state of Utah. This program is intended to help these individuals take the first step in activities that will benefit various aspects of their overall wellness. For families and individuals in need of additional financial support, Ellovate will work on a case-by-case basis to determine if additional sessions need be paid by Ellovate using donated funds. This program is expected to launch in May of 2022. An application process and approval from Ellovate will be required.
Charity Sporting Events – Ellovate organizes and hosts charitable sporting events in Utah County and Salt Lake County. These events initially consist of basketball, pickleball and wiffle ball tournaments. Participants will pay an entry fee to play for cash prizes, and the tournaments will promote physical wellness and positive social interactions. The tournaments also promote emotional wellness, as each team will select a charity to play for, and the winning team will have a specified amount of donated funds distributed to their charity of choice. Check our Events page for upcoming tournaments.
Mental Health Support Groups – Ellovate will lead Mental Health Support Groups in northern Utah County. These in-person meetings will promote open dialogue on the topics of mental and emotional help, and they will help to create an atmosphere of positive social interaction for attendees. In addition to open discussion, Ellovate will provide recommendations for self-help activities and professional treatment services to attendees. Initially there will be adult-only meetings, as well as meetings for children and teenagers (along with their parents) who are battling mental health issues. This program is expected to launch in February of 2022. ​
Service Projects – Ellovate organizes and facilitates service projects in Utah Country and Salt Lake County in the state of Utah. Participating as a volunteer in service projects is a great way for us to forget about our own problems and focus instead on assisting others with their needs. Service is also a great way to pay-it-forward once we find ourselves in a healthy and balanced state with our own wellness, as many of us will likely receive service and assistance from others while we’re on our own journey. Check our Events page for upcoming service projects.