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Ellovate, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that exists to improve the lives of children in Utah. Our programs are designed to help our youth build confidence and enhance their overall wellness through fulfilling activities, positive social interactions, and the establishment of healthy habits. Ellovate also works with parents and guardians whose children are battling anxiety, depression, and other mental health and behavioral struggles, to help guide their children on a pathway to recovery that best suits each child's individual needs.


Ellovate places great emphasis on mental and emotional health, coupled with a strong determination to eliminate the social stigmas associated therewith. We aim to educate on effective coping mechanisms for stress, anxiety and depression, while also shedding greater light on the professional treatment options available when needed. In addition to offering programs designed to improve mental and emotional well-being, our organization rounds out the pursuit of balanced wellness with activities focused on physical health and personal development.


  • Stand Up – We’ve all been hit by life’s trials and tribulations. We’ve all been metaphorically knocked down to the ground. No matter where we are in life, and no matter what we’ve been through, we all have the power within ourselves to stand up and make a positive difference. We must stand up. This means assessing our current state and admitting to ourselves (and others) that we need to make a change for the better. This means taking the first step, whether that be speaking to a friend/counselor/doctor, researching a new fitness program or healthy eating routine, or perhaps making a conscious decision to explore a new spiritual journey. It is up to each of us, individually, to stand up and take the first step.


  • Rise Up – Taking the first step is often the hardest part. After we stand up and initiate our forward progress, we must continue steadfastly on that path. Our innate ability to take on new challenges and emerge triumphant in the face of adversity is greater than we often realize. We must rise up. This means outlining our goals and our ensuing course of action. This means establishing consistency in our lives through determination and the creation healthy, beneficial habits. There are some amazing things we can do on our own. But it’s also important to remember that help is always available, and there is absolutely no shame in asking for it.


  • Lift Up – Once we rise up and overcome our own adversity, the journey does not end. Our lives can only remain stable and uplifted through a continued focus on all aspects of our personal wellness. One way we can continually lift up ourselves is by helping to lift up others. This means actively looking for opportunities to serve others in need, and committing ourselves to put forth the time and effort required to make a positive difference in the lives of others. This means lending a helping hand, providing a listening ear, and simply being there for the troubled and lonely. Our kind words, accompanied by our helpful actions, can absolutely change the course of someone else’s life for good.

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Ellovate, Inc. © 2025

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